Original 1980
Amended March 6, 1993
Amended December 1995 (Article III Sec. 8)
Amended August 2002
Amended 03/15/2008 (Article III Sec. 8)
Amended 08/30/2008 (Article V)

Sec. 1 This is a non-profit organization and shall be known as:
The Collier Model Aeronautic Club or CMAC

Sec. 1 It shall be the purpose of this club to promote the design, building and flying of
radio controlled model aircraft.

ARTICLE III Membership
Sec. 1 All flying members MUST be a current AMA, or equal, association (MAAC)
Sec. 2 All club members shall be entitled to club privileges according to membership status
I.e. Domiciled Resident Member 18 years and older = Full privileges
Family Member 18 years and older = Full privileges
Family Member under 18 years = Flying only, No vote
Non Domiciled Member = Flying only, No vote
Associate Member = Non Flyer, No Privileges
Sec. 3. The Membership Committee must process all applications and submit to Members for vote.
Sec. 4 A new member must have a simple majority vote of members present at the meeting. Any person eligible for membership, who cannot be present at the meeting, may be represented by a member in good standing, and voted on by proxy.
Sec. 5 A new member shall pay the initiation fee upon acceptance into the club and pay the dues and AMA charter fee, within thirty days upon acceptance into the club.
Sec. 6 All members shall have dues paid in full thirty days after the due date which is
January 1st of each year, or forfeit membership
Sec. 7 A term of membership shall consist of one year period of time beginning,
January 1st and ending December 31st.
Sec. 8 The annual dues are as follows:
$200.00 All Members
$200.00 Associate Members
$100.00 Family members 18 years and older
Free Family members under 18 years old
There will be a $100.00 one time initiation fee for all new flying members excluding
new members under 18 years of age.

The elected officers will hold one (1) regular member meetings per year,
summer. From time to time the officers may deem it necessary to hold a special
meeting to attend to important club business. The members will be informed of
the date, time and place of ALL meetings by mail, email or by phone from the
elected Officers, or appointed individual.
Sec.2 The meetings shall be conducted in an orderly fashion by the elected officers of the club.
Sec.3 Democratic rule shall apply at all times.
Sec.4 The meetings shall be divided into Business" and ''Non-Business'' portions, and
the time allotted to each shall be determined by the business at hand.
Sec. 5 No amendments of rules, or changes to the constitution can be made without a
three/fourths affirmative answer from the VOTING members either in person, or
by an absentee ballot" distributed by the elected officers. Under no
circumstances will "Proxy votes" to another member be allowed.

ARTICLE V Officers
Sec. 1 The elected Officers of CMAC shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary..
Sec.2 All elected officers must be Florida Domiciled Resident member in good
standing. (Position of Secretary and Treasurer can be held by any member or
non member appointed by the elected Officers).
Sec. 3 The term of office for President, Vice President shall be one year. No Member
shall hold the same elected office for more than two (2) consecutive years.
Sec. 4 Board of Directors, consisting of ten members (including the 4 club officers)
shall be elected at the annual meeting
Sec.5 It shall be the policy of this club that the elected officers shall, to the best of
their ability maintain, and govern the membership in a responsible manner.
They will uphold the Constitution of the organization. The Officers as members
of the Board of Directors, shall be the policy makers, regulate hearings, and
committee teams. They shall be responsible for the flying field rules and/or
events and contests that may take place.
The officers have to serve the membership, and rule the will of the majority.
Sec. 6 The election of officers shall be a majority vote of the VOTING membership.
There can be provisions made for "Absentee Ballots" by mail for members who
cannot attend the election meeting. "Absentee Ballots" will be distributed by the
present officers with the names of nominees for office. Under no circumstances
will "Proxy votes" to another member be allowed for any elections

ARTICLE VI Flying site
Sec. 1 The club's flying site is purchased, leased or rented with funds contributed by
members of the club, and shall always be considered Club property

Sec.2 The flying times are:
No engines started before 9:00 a.m. till dusk.
Monday through Sunday except electric planes
Sec.3 All persons flying RC model aircraft must have in their possession a current
membership card from CMAC and liability insurance coverage of
$1,000,000.00. (Insurance is provided by AMA or equal association (MAAC).
Sec.4 Each transmitter will have the proper frequency flag attached to the antenna.
Sec.5 A properly identified pin will be attached to the "frequency board" prior to
turning on any transmitter.
Sec. 6 The runway will be kept clear of debris, parts or aircraft not in the process of
taking off or landing.
Sec. 7 Landing aircraft will have the right-of-way. Dead stick has first priority.
Sec. 8 All activities at the site will be governed by the primary consideration of safety.
Sec.9 Spectators are not allowed in the pit area or on the field.
Sec. 10 No flying is permitted while the grass is being cut.
Sec. 11 Each individual will be responsible for the proper disposal of trash, or any other
debris on the flying site.

Sec. 12 Overall field noise shall be kept to a minimum to maintain friendly neighbor
relations. All engines 1,5cc and up will be required to be fitted with a muffler. All
airplanes must conform to AMA noise standards.
Sec. 13 All AMA safety regulations as listed in the current official Model Aircraft
Regulations Book and shall apply at all times in the use of the field.
Sec. 14 Any disputes concerning flying or operations of any portions of the field will be
settled by an officer of the club on the field at that time. Said officer's decision
shall be for that day only.
Sec. 15 All club members must conduct themselves in an orderly fashion at all times.
Any club member causing either malicious destruction or damage to the field or
property, or subsequent damage to the club image shall be:
A. Fined (the fine is to be in direct relation to the damage caused, and voted by the membership).
B. If a member is fined, all arrangements for settlement must be made within twenty-four hours.
C. A second violation malicious in content of any club member in the
same year will result in immediate dismissal from the club.

Sec.1 Non members who wish to use the facilities or the club's flying site, with prior
arrangements, must be an AMA member, and be accompanied by a club
member in good-standing. He will pay a $20.00 per week (max. two weeks)
field usage fee to any officer, or field Marshall. A limit of two participating
guests, per club member, per visit shall apply at any time.
Sec.2 The sponsoring member assumes full responsibility for the actions and AMA
credentials of the guest(s).
ARTiCLE VIII Dissolution
Sec. 1 If the club is to be dissolved a committee shall be appointed by the Board of
Directors to determine the disposition of the club's assets.

Older 2008
2013 CMAC Charter
Subject to revisions from 9/17/2016 meeting